no, these are pretty much perfect strangers, but nevertheless people i really like, because what they say and do really resonates with me, for whatever reason....hope you enjoy them!
parking lot, chris corrigan, in british columbia, listens to interesting world music, and canada's own harry manx, which i found on his site, and for whatever reason, i've always liked his weblog a lot. one day he came up with a great movie that just spoke directly to my thoughts about this crazy world we live in. thanks, chris!
joi ito lives in tokyo, runs some tech company, and travels the world, so in short is about as opposite of what i'm doing as anyone. but i've always loved his weblog too, even though i don't understand much of the technological stuff. for example, i learned to make squares just by going there once in a while, and looking at his. thanks, joi!
a viet soul in texas, Vu Nguyen - this guy is stunning for his honesty, his directness, his spirit. he puts a movie of vietnam right up there on top, and is boldly himself, even as he admits that "my english is s-ck"...i have to admire a guy, so far from home, from such a different culture, who can put himself out there like that. thanks, vu!
rashika perera's between three worlds. i'm not even sure which three worlds she's between, but i like her title, and she puts a lot of pictures in her weblog, so you can see her living her life with her friends & family in australia. thanks, rashika!
chicana on the edge, by regina rodriguez, who i met once when i was with eli in downtown chicago. she writes about romance from a woman's point of view, being between cultures, being single, & living life in the chicago music scene - these are things i enjoy reading about- at least when i'm at her site, i feel like she's talking to me. thanks, regina!
turns out these are all people who are way different from me, but who i have stuff in common with too. interesting how that works out. maybe it's that they put their lives out there so i can see them, and then, it reaches me. maybe i can do that for someone.