Friday, September 24, 2021

this sleepy old blog reveals so much of my life - if only because i have been pretty regular over the years. i write everything. i don't hold back. i tell what's going on. it is my life.

a lot of traveling lately - when the older one gets depressed in las cruces, i go and get him. now he's depressed because his bike was stolen. or maybe, because i told him people steal a lot of bikes on college campuses and he left his bike out there in the rack anyway. it looked safe. it felt like nobody came by very much. boy was he wrong. they come by regularly. in september, and probably again in march. just like they did in texas and just about everywhere else.

the trip takes us out of our own mountains, over a ridge, up into cloudcroft at 8700 feet, where it was raining, and then down to the desert, through the white sands, through the tularosa basin, and up over another mountain pass, the san augustin, which is also probably about 8000. that last one kind of wears you out, but it's exceptionally beautiful. also, there are cars and trucks broken down on either side of it, and on our mountain as well, just not used to the steep hills and the pressure it puts on an engine. but the wildflowers bloom like crazy on the mountainsides.

at the border patrol checkpoint they have their system down. they scan your tags on your way in and have some idea if you're just a piker like me, or if you're into serious getting under the law. i had my answer ready - even the dog was an american citizen, and he's pretty friendly, and he just got his boy back, so he was in a good mood too.the guy just waved us on through. i saw the mobile home encampment at holloman - little kabul, i guess you could call it - but i'm not sure that's what it is, it could just be their transport system, and the more serious thousands are deeper in the village. holloman is an air force base - one of five in the nation that is being used for refugees - and so we know, sure enough, that we got a few....a few thousand anyway.

out in my shed i finally took out this huge old coffee table book from the late 1800's. to be specific it showed all the grand things from the chicago columbian world exposition of 1893. they went out of their way to put their best foot forward, you could say. they built tons of things, and then made this coffee table book to show them off. some of the pages are faded into oblivion, but what's there is truly incredible. at the time, a world of its own, definitely worth making a book out of. hmm.
br> good night everyone.


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