Thursday, June 08, 2006

the violent deer is dead...she had an interesting story, being one of the few violent female deer the nation has ever known, and she attracted national attention. my students did a very interesting study about the six (?) attacks that were right near faner hall, our home, last year at about this time; they found out that the first person who came near her actually touched her baby; from then on she attacked everyone who came near, injuring six people (?) before they even got the area cordoned off. this year she reappeared over by campus lake and the comm. building- this brought up the question of if it was the same one- and attacked two before they cordoned off the area. she has been seen with a baby again this year- but yesterday, apparently, she attacked a policeman and he killed her, and they claim there is no baby around.

a tragic story- 'bambi goes postal' by some accounts - and now, outside of reporting it, i have very little to say, except, i'm sorry; it's too bad it had to end this way; we may never know the whole story; and, maybe i'll put it in my novel.

blogger is extremely slow these days in the middle of the day, and sometimes just unmanageable. we don't have all day to publish this stuff...maybe getting our own server will help. i can hold off on the travel stories (scroll down) - they've been in my head for thirty years, after all- they seem to come out poorly written, but at least are honest, though awkward, and keep me in the habit of writing.

getting steamy outside, and i'm loving biking (bicycle) in the days; going whole days without car. gum band on the pants; certain muscles sore; an unnatural fumbling with locks. sunset concerts are coming too: watch out for blue ground under grass...


Blogger J-Funk said...

I LOVE your stories, and think they are very well written.

9:16 PM  

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