Wednesday, February 22, 2006

how r ya?

i've gotten a little taken with chat, and especially its potential for creating international communities, on the spot, at your fingertips, not to mention communicating more and better in the ones we already have. my students, for example, are so busy writing papers about wal-mart that they hardly have time to ask me if this is tornado season, but i set up a chat, asked them to show up, and they did, and they brought me a bunch of stuff, and did a bunch of other stuff too. it's an interesting world. ^^

on the home front was a 14-yr-old-birthday-party-all-nighter, of the video game variety, a young crawlin' lad with a honker of a sharp tooth poking through, and another who draws ladybugs like they're going out of style. finally there's one who's working on getting out of town by way of fafsa...but has to ride a bike to school in the meantime, in what's left of winter...and, to top it off, a a daughter who won at the bog...

on the creative front there's a cd in the works, and it might have a banjo song that i've had in my head for years. it's basically a song about almost jumping on the northbound train. got to get that banjo fixed though, the one i'm using is out of tune at the top. it's time-consuming...and in the meantime, poetry, plays, etc. are kind of a wash. i've had fun dredging old stories up from the shadows of my filing system, as my middle-level students are sick of a sociology textbook. these stories predate a bunch of ones i already give away, but at least are remotely connected to our subject matter. in fact these days i'm not writing a lot of stories, or even a novel, but boy am i gathering material...

...a frigid gloom sets over the arena parking lot, but the sun sets later, rises to the sounds of birds...winter's about had it here. i should plant tomatos, indoors at least, but the olympics aren't even over's a busy time, as usual, tesol is coming...

and in the meantime, it's coffee, irish music, grammar, rock'n'roll, and a wicked red all flies by, like a canadian goose.


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