Wednesday, March 01, 2023

errant post

middle of the night here; for some reason i'm sleepless, so i open up my blogs and find that this post was one that belonged on the landalinkin site, where I report on my blogs every month. no, this is my main site! my own personal ramblings go here! so, i have moved that post there, and replaced it, here, with this.

i might as well say here, and i don't usually do, that this is the main blog of about thirty that i keep going; eight are commercial but don't do well in raising up commerce, but in general they get a few thousand hits a month. if i could harness that i might have a few book sales, but i don't actually do so well in harnessing them, and therefore my sales are still pretty weak. other more commercial authors do much better.

I've seen steady improvement, though, and sell some books now while a while ago i sold zero. i'm always a little surprised when a book sale comes in, but it's definitely more often than it used to happen.

late at night, the tinnitus is high, my hearing aids are still up in the bedroom, so it's just me and the crickets, and of course the puppy followed me down here and he's right at my feet. teenagers are awake and waiting for the action online, which starts maybe at about 2 am. everyone else is asleep.

galesburg, however, is more on the boys' schedule. on friday night, at 12 30 am, certain bars are just getting started. the police are too. people are getting ready for a big weekend.

i however am tired. not sure why i was unable to sleep. maybe i'll play the bog for a while, and give up.


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