Friday, February 11, 2022

still yet another cold spell coming around, and i feel like the short spring that got us outside and got us a bit of fresh air, is retreating again. though we will probably have less than half an inch, it will cover up greenness that was coming out in the grass.

no pictures on this site for a while - i have to do something about that. i've fallen into a minimal advertising, minimal production mode. and that's not good.

haven't even done my book, not for several days, and that shows, if anything, tiredness at trying to scrape a few minutes together during the day, and being unable to. things are happening quickly here. our family may or may not stay together.

without going into great detail, it is such that teenagers, who are now old enough to make their own way, may or may not be doing that soon. we don't know quite how to deal with it all. extreme measures may be the only measures.

whereas i used to do my book-writing as somewhat of an escape from all the drama, now there's nothing but to force the drama, and do something about it. the book will go to the back seat for a while.

but spring is around the corner, both here and wherever we go.


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