Thursday, August 04, 2005 i renamed the blog, which reflects the fact that it's kind of a creative home now, a kind of lighthouse where i can come back to after a while out there...but it also reflects a couple of new developments on the blog scene...first, that there is now a mobroll down there in the template, and this will be developed after i get a few more squares, which i'm working on. and there will be more of these mobrolls, for example, on my work blog.

i got this idea from joi ito, who i've mentioned before; mentioning him in my blog actually inspired me to do what i said i'd like to do. but while looking around at his friends one day, i stumbled across this jurvetson fellow, who seems to be into flickr's interestingness algorithms (i guess they'd use that term loosely) which you can see connected off of this hollywood squares page.

now i'd like to think of myself as a celebrity too, standing on a corner, with my eyes open, wanting to make squares, but not always having a camera with me...

and, it's a different corner, i guess.

more later...


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